

Vice General Manager: Wang Wei


Mr. Wang Wei, aged 55, a vice general manager of the Company, is a senior engineer. He graduated from Tsinghua University and holds a master’s degree in business administration from the China Europe International Business School. From July 1993 to April 2002, he served as a deputy general manager of the Beijing branch of China Aviation Supplies Import and Export Corporation (中國航空器材進出口總公司北京分公司). He was the assistant to the general manager of China Aviation Supplies Import and Export Corporation from April 2002 to September 2002. From September 2002 to March 2008, Mr. Wang served as deputy general manager of China Aviation Supplies Import and Export Group Corporation (中國航空器材進出口集團公司). From March 2008 to June 2008, he served as a deputy general manager of China TravelSky Holding Company, a promoter of the Company. Mr. Wang has been a vice general manager of the Company since December 2008.

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